Goldfinch Speed

  1/28/2025 - 2/18/2025
  Tu, Th
  4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  Central Campus Gym
  Jeff Woody

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No class on Tuesday Feb 11th. 
For kids 1st-8th grade.  Kids will be slpit up by age during each session.


Golffinch Speed Jr. High - Your athlete will spring, jump, hop, skip, change directions, as well as squat, lunge, hinge, push and pull with as many different variations as possible. This program serves as building the foundation for the types of movements, lifts, and activities that athletes will see when they get to the high school level.  This will consist of technique, education, and instruction across many movements and patterns. 

Goldfinch Speed Rookies - Our Rookies program aims to introduce youth athletes to a wide range of athletic movements including multi-directional skipping, running, jumping, kicking, throwing, catching and an introduction to bodyweight strength. Our program's main focus is to create an enjoyable environment and positive first experience with exercise.